#TBT Reviews
#TBT Reel Review: Halloween (1978)
October 31st, 1995 was a day that will live in infamy for a ...
David's Reel Reviews
Reel Review: Moonlight
Every year around this time, there is an expectation that moviegoers will be ...
Gaius' Reel Reviews
Reel Review: The Birth of a Nation
Ignoring the salacious headlines that have plagued the film, The Birth of a Nation ...
Gaius' Reel Reviews
Reel Review: Deepwater Horizon
Deepwater Horizon owes a little bit of debt to The Towering Inferno. Despite its “based ...
David's Reel Reviews
Reel Review: ‘Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children’
At this point of his career, many would be hard pressed to be ...
#TBT Reviews
#TBT Reel Review: Fear
Before Mark Wahlberg was among the A-list elite, he was Marky Mark and ...
#TBT Reviews
#TBT Reel Review: Ed Wood
Tim Burton is widely regarded as one of the most eccentric, unique directors ...
David's Reel Reviews
Reel Review: Manchester by the Sea
No film in 2016 has yet to draw such a painfully, emotional reaction ...
David's Reel Reviews
#TBT Reel Review: Rocky
The boxing genre has been beaten to death throughout the years with many countless ...
David's Reel Reviews
Reel Review: Snowden
Director Oliver Stone has never turned away from controversial subjects in his films. From ...